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Welcome 'ALL'! This is the first Webpage made to try to inform people of awesome abundance of opportunities we will be creating (happily and excitedly) for all of humanity!!

It's only a small 'we' right now.. This site will do the best it can to explain the path we are rolling down, constantly evolving moment by moment! We're so very excited for everything and for everyone & for 'ALL' of what's going on in the universe. Right now after thousands of hours of meditation, we believe we can build an amazing self-suffiecient community to help everyone become all they can be! There are amazing plans and designs 100% ready to be put into action; plus many more, ever evolving ever expanding. Always open to more & better ideas. It's for the betterment of all, no holding back!

We're co-creating and manifesting at this very moment, the future. We're capable of doing everything we have in mind, no matter which of us it is; we are infinitely capable. There will always be more amazign things than we can currently comprehend & imagine <3. We will 'Try' to give everyone an example of the sheer awesomeness of things we'll will be manifesting to our Earth for 'ALL'. Sooo, what would YOU do if you had the chance to be swimming/meditating inside a sacred geometrical shaped lake that is a Rainbow Aurora Borealis? Very Exciting!

We're grateful to anyone who visits this site. Thank you & Namaste!
There are many many things that will be sprouting from the seed of our collective minds & we invite 'ALL' possible; at anytime and for any amount of time you feel is right. To be a part of the grand experience; as we move into a beautiful futre with infinite possibilities for everyone to expand and grow and be 'HUMAN!' Much Love! There is at least an abundance of love available for anyone who wants a place to call home for now!

   We're making this website as a means of 'taking action towards manifestation'. Whether it is co-creating with the many people who want to do the same, or just us here right now (for now). Our main focus for 'Manifesting' the las couple weeks has been the money to Kickstart this non-stop rollercoaster. We're manifesting an 'Abundance' of money because we know many people who could use it & we believe there is enough in the world for every single human and creature on the planet to live happily and in harmony together. Many people we want to offer the Red Pill or the Blue Pill so they can 'choose' by their own means; to exit The Matrix and become who they want to. to each and everyones infinite potential that the universe allows to all of us (it's our Birthright from God). If there is anyone with any extra money for this cause; it will help greatly. After the first acreage is bought, we will be up there working all the time!; giving updates and photos to show the progress, getting the word out to help everyone we can help in the process. This is just ideas. We also have an abundant source of information, information that can save many lives which we are always sharing for free & happy to do it anytime!  We're always happy and full of unconditional love a gratitude for everything all day. We don't really 'need' anything to be happy; though the MILLIONS of people around the world WE WILL be affecting, helping & saving.. well, 'that' (and the ideas) make's us feel so much more awesome inside than anything else we do. It's already what we WANT to do and it's fun for us <3. Increasing our vibrations into the unlimited toroidal fields and creating an infinite exponentially increasing loop of good vibes (can you imagine that?) haha. We're very excited!!
   Final here on this front page for now; we want to make a shout out to all the people who have more money than they can possibly spend & to all the people who WANT to help people but don't know where (or have enough places) to charity money for the betterment of the whole human race, the creatures, the resources & planet as a whole! <3
   Namaste 'ALL' thank you for reading!


Here are some of the things that will be provided here & this is only what a small amount of minds have come up with so far. (We will bring in everyone who wants to be free, to let tham have the space time and resources necessary to become who they are meant to be & to help others). It's a collective evolution & no one has to be left behind <3
- Spirit Service Centers for spirit services (chanelling, mediums, readings, energy clearing; if you have an ability, there will be a space for you to help others)
- Mediatation Circles (Sacred Geometry focused designs, Vibratory and environmentally enhanced) - - 'Free-Yourself' Dance Circles (Earth Healing Frequencies *528Hz* shooting into the Earth 24hrs a day/ the circles double as meditative areas for beaming intentions into the Earth/ Universe)
- Vast Community /w completely Sulf Sustainability. (No one HAS to 'Live' there; It will all come together as each individual persons 
manifestations are free to co-create their highest desires into reality: very exciting!)

- Spirit Master Housing (specially designed for spiritual growth and for completely balanced polarity and group meditations; deciding on manifestations together and going to a space designed for focusing everyone's energy together to create 'extremely powerful' healing energys and manifestations, for the betterment of 'ALL'
- Sureal Rainbow Lakes: more beautiful than anything we can even imagine or find on the internet. We're very excited to build the first one for everyone to experience the infinitum of magic within!
  There is many more ideas we have and are bringing them to fruitition; we just don't the details designed and written down at the moment. We will provide details in the 'Designs' section & hope to come up with many more things as a collective too! We are just a small group with big hearts at the moment & look forward to meeting and having an effect with 'ALL'! Thank you & Namaste! <3


We need to add one more important detail to this front page for 'ALL'. The first project site is located on Vancouver Island in British Columbia; the acreage will be purchased around the Mt. Benson and Nanaimo Lakes area's. We will be posting places and areas we're looking into! There is an infinite amount of hectares of nature and mountains stretching back which is available to everyone. So we can work with anything and keep expanding and have different sites all around, connected & easily accessible. Look into 'Designs' & 'Available Spaces' to get an idea of what we're doing and what we will have to work with as soon as we've manifested the money necessary to start. We're also manifest for 'ALL an infinitely exciting amount of opportunity, gratefulness & satisfaction (In our minds right now); we want to provide everything possible to anyone who needs it though really. We strongly believe there is enough of everything on our planet eart for everyone to feel in abundance!! <3

"Having studied Quantum Physics, We have 0% doubt that all of the these ideas are already happening. Manifestation, Astral Projection, Sacred Geometry; We LOVE IT ALL!", every part of life, the polarity of good an bad is a part of everything!

We want to help everyone, help your personal self first and foremost & allow 'ALL' to grow into themselves! To have the time, space & knowledge necessary for the complete human growth experience. As a collective we care about all, the people, the planet, the animals & the resources. Through intention and action we can bring our Mother Earth into perfect polarity and exponentially increase our evolutionary growth! Namaste 'ALL'

The project is still in its rough beginnings, the biggest hurdle is mainly purchasing the first piece of acreage. This is until we've managed to manifest an abundance of constant wealth through our system (for the benefit of 'ALL') EST: $400K. After that will be like putting rocket fuel in the new race car you've just purchased, decal'd, and ready to drive it for the first time! We don't 'Expect' anything from any of this. We're just following our hearts completely!

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